Accepted in the Beloved—What Does this Mean?
To the praise of the glory of His grace, wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved (Ephesians 1:6 KJV).

Understanding grace can profoundly transform your relationship with God, your interactions with others, and your perception of yourself. In Ephesians 1:6, Paul illuminates the astounding reality of grace, declaring that God has accepted us “in the Beloved.” Let’s dissect the concepts of being “accepted” and existing “in the Beloved.”
“Accepted” is the English translation in the KJV for the intricate Greek term “charitoo.” While it’s true that God has accepted us in Christ, the concept of being accepted in the Beloved extends beyond mere acceptance. Charitoo signifies giving freely—bestowing or granting extravagantly. In Ephesians 1:6, Paul employs this term to articulate how God has showered us with divine favor in Christ. God’s favor wasn’t simply given but lavished extravagantly upon us in Christ.
We are accepted “in the Beloved.” The operative words here are “in” and “Beloved.” Our Heavenly Father has lavished favor upon us in the Beloved. Who is this Beloved? The context points to Jesus, as mentioned in the preceding verse. The favor God has lavished upon humanity is found in Jesus, not outside Him. The preposition “in” signifies that God envisions Jesus as a dwelling place where people can partake or share in Christ and reap the benefits of His work. God’s divine favor is extended through Christ’s work, and anyone who believes in Christ is welcomed into Him, becoming a blessed beneficiary of all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 1:3).
God has accepted you in the Beloved; He has already lavished His divine favor upon you in Christ.
Reflect deeply on Ephesians 1:6, considering the explanations provided above.
Applying the Word
Grace is received through faith. You experienced this at conversion when you received salvation—forgiveness, rebirth, the infilling of the Spirit, and more. Just as you receive this grace at salvation, continue to embrace it in all aspects of your life today, whether in your health, ministry, finances, or family.
Express gratitude to the Lord for bestowing abundant favor upon us in Christ.
- What is Charitoo?
- What is Divine Favor?
- Definition of Grace- 6 Key concepts
- What is a Devotional?
- View All Devotional
Great Inspiration
Thank you, Francis!!