The right balance of grace

I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, entreat you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, (Eph. 4:1 NAS)

The book of Ephesians is a compendium of the identity of the new creation in Christ. It also presents us with a perfect piece that describes a critical balance of grace. The book has six chapters, which fit into two parts. The first three chapters tell us who we are in Christ. Chapter 1 starts with how we are blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ in Christ, and continues to reveal God doing exceedingly, abundantly, above all we can ever ask in chapter 3. There are no instructions, commandments, or laws for us to keep. It simply tells us what is ours, and who we are, in Christ Jesus.

The last 3 chapters, focus on how we should live. These chapters are made up of instructions that we should follow. It moves from doctrine to practice. The verse above links the first half to the second half of the book. It starts with “therefore”. It means “living” the Christian life is the result of what God has already done. Since you are a new creation in Christ, then you should live like this….. The order must never be reversed. Our “being” in Christ is what produces the “living”. The Christian life will be difficult if you do not first know and believe who God says you are. The power to live the Christian life comes from what God has already made us to be. A butterfly does not struggle to fly! Our knowledge and understanding of our “being” in Christ will enable us to do the “living”. Grace is not only about “being” in Christ. It is balanced with living out what you have been made to be. The Lord says “since you are a new creation in Christ, live as such“. Let your outward life align with the inward life in you today.


How does the verse above apply to you today? How does your “living” compare to your “being”?


Ask the Spirit to open your eyes to know more of who you are in Christ, and also in what ways you might be living below who you really are.


This is your opportunity to do the Word of God. Is grace balanced in your life? It is wonderful to believe in the Love of God; however, grace does not end there. Since He loves you, He wants you to love others. There is no better way to appreciate Him for His grace. What you believe is critical, because it effects your spiritual positioning with God. What you DO here on earth will determine whether your life will be sweet, bitter, or somewhere in-between. It is so important for believers to understand this. Our experiences on earth now are squarely based on how much we DO what God has told us. Train yourself to to DO THE WORD. Do something about what you have read today. The blessing is for doers, not for hearers.

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