A verse to stand against the coronavirus

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2, KJV)

Schoolgirl with medicine mask on face, in classroom, against: virus, ill, epidemic, plague, flu

WHO has just declared the coronavirus a global risk. The world is in panic. Jesus said these things would come, and that you should not let your heart be troubled. You should follow every standard medical precaution advised by local or international health organizations. Furthermore, you have an added advantage in Christ.

Let me recount the story of John G Lake, one of the Generals in “God’s Generals” by Robert Liardon. He was in South Africa when the Plague( a deadly disease)  broke out, and many were dying. He remained untouched and was helping medical personnel take care of the sick. It is recorded that when the bacteria was put in his hands and then examined under the microscope, scientists found out they were all dead! John G Lake had found out something that the rest of the people around him had not. He quoted Rom. 8:2 and said the law of the Spirit of life in Christ had made him free from the law of sin and death. The Spirit of God in Him neutralized the bacteria and set in motion a different set of laws in his body rather than the natural laws that govern infections.

The same Spirit that was in John G Lake is in you. You are not an ordinary human being. You have the Spirit of God in you. The difference between you and John G Lake is probably that he had come to know and believe what God said, stood on it and was seeing results. The Lord is saying to you now, that the law of the Spirit of life and health in Christ Jesus has lifted you above the law of biology and infections that govern the coronavirus. Stretch your faith, stand on the Word. God says the plague shall not come nigh the door of your house, meaning a thousand may fall at your side, but you are shield supernaturally ( Ps. 91). And I have said this before many times. The plague can come  nigh the door of your house like any other person if you do not believe and walk by what God says. The decree is gone forth from the mouth of God. Fear not, let not your heart be troubled! The life of the Spirit flowing in your veins is an antidote to the coronavirus. 


I want you to read the verse above, read it again and again and meditate on it until it completely dominates your thinking and emotions!


The world is in turmoil. You are not of the world and you play by a separate set of rules. Do not fear and panic as the world does. Jesus is your advantage in life. Relax and dwell safely in the secret place of the most high, which is Christ! Please read about John G Lake’s story. It will inspire you in times like these.


Thank the Lord for the law of the Spirit of life that is operational in you. 

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