A Lamp unto My Feet

I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye” (Psalm 32:8, KJV).

Lamp unto my feet image showing a lamp in the dark

The instruction of wisdom is the pillar of your success in life. The scriptures say wisdom is the principal thing in life for a good reason. Despite what many of us think, our number one need as Christians is not the power of God to remove all mountains in front of us. It is the wisdom of God. He did not say power is the principal thing but wisdom is.

Many of the calamities and mountains we face daily are wisdom problems. Wisdom has to do with the ways of God, how He operates and acts. Wisdom is the way you do the things you do. How many times have you gotten into trouble because of what you did, say, did not do or say?

Poverty, for example, is fundamentally a wisdom problem. So are many behavior-related health problems. I have watched people die of lung cancer due to smoking. Cigarette smoking is foolishness. There are many out there who might be struggling with their finances because they just don’t have the wisdom to control their expenses. The same is true about many relationships and family crises. The list continues. The lack of wisdom is our number one problem in life. When we fail in wisdom, we will need power to give us a breakthrough in a miraculous way. God is merciful to us.


How do we get the wisdom of God? (Proverbs 2:6-8). Can you also think of one or two mountains you are facing now due to your lack of divine wisdom in a way you acted previously?


You should certainly ask God for wisdom (James 1:5). After asking, start seeking wisdom in His Word! (Proverbs 2:3-6).


Ask the Lord right now to give you wisdom in the affairs of your daily life. Pray that He will give you the grace to start seeking His Word and fill your heart with His wisdom.

Recommended Read: Meditating on the Word of God

Foundational Read: What is a Daily Devotional?

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