A crises of hearers in Church
“And behold, you are to them like a sensual song by one who has a beautiful voice and plays well on an instrument; for they hear your words, but they do not practice them. (Ezekiel 33:32)
God said these words to the prophet Ezekiel about the Israelites who were eager to come, sit and hear what the prophet had to say but went out and did nothing of what he told them. This problem did not start with us. It is like a cancer that ravages the people of God if we do not watch it.
One day, the Lord told me that if only I can do just a fraction of what He has taught me, my life will be completely different. That draw my attention to the necessity of actually doing what God has shown you in the word. The blessing of the Lord we so crave in our lives is in THE DOING of what God has said (James 1:25). The greatest endeavor we can ever embark on as believers is to determine in our hearts to do what God’s  word to us. It will change us, and our circumstances forever. Today, believers are seeking revelations, but only if these revelations were put in practice. Do not wait for God to speak from heaven with a voice giving you some difficult commandment. You have His word in the Bible you carry. For instance, He has commanded us to be anxious for nothing. Is that the word? Yes. Do we really do it?  Just do His word, without excuses or religious rationalization of your behavior. What about the commandment to pay attention to His word, love your neighbor, watch what you say etc. The word for us to do is not far, it is the eagerness and determination to do it that we are lacking.
Hearers who do not do the word will struggle with their faith and the challenges of life. Doers are blessed. Choose this day to be a doer of the Word of God, and make it your lifestyle.
Think of the verse above. Leave it rolling in your mind for a few minutes.
Say it loud, that you are a doer and not a hearer of God’s word
One of the noblest prayers you can ever pray is to ask God for the wisdom and the strength to do His will. Wisdom, because, not everyone sees how crucial this is. It is a deception to hear God’s word and not do it and continue to pray and seek a breakthrough in whatever aspect of our lives.
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Free Mini E-book: From Spiritual Dryness to Flourishing