Your Ticket to a Glorious Christian Life

. . . Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit. (Jn. 12:24 KJV)


When a farmer plants wheat, he sows a seed into the ground. The seed must first die before it can become a plant that produces a harvest. If the seed does not first die in the ground, it will remain alive as a single seed and never experience bounty and fruitfulness. Your ticket to a glorious and fruitful Christian life is dying to self.

Dying to self is captured by this phrase used by Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane “nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done “(Lk. 22:42 KJV). It is surrendering the control of your life to God, doing what He wants rather than what is comfortable and convenient for you. If God cannot control you, you will never experience persistent and lasting fruitfulness such as victory, joy, breakthroughs, healing, and so much more.

Many believers live the way they want, speaking however they want to speak, behaving however they’d like to behave and may wonder why they don’t see the spiritual blessings they are praying for. Babes in Christ live as they choose and receive intermittent answers to prayer. By contrast, mature believers have learned to surrender to God, and live from glory to glory, flourishing in His fruitfulness all year round.

Yielding to God, allowing Him to control your life, is the most important thing you can do once you become a child of God. He will not “suck life out of you” but instead He will cause your life to flourish beyond anything you could ever imagine.


Why is surrender so important to see fruits, or results, in our lives? See Zach. 4:6, Gal. 5:16. Declare: “ I am yielding my life fully to the control of God’s Spirit.”


You yield to God by DOING what God says. Each time you obey the Word, you are yielding to God’s control.


Ask the Spirit to open your understating to the blessings of yielding to Him completely.

Recommended Read: How to surrender to God and see His glory

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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