You Are Complete in Him

“And you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power” (Col. 2:10 NKJ.)

God says you are complete in Him. You lack nothing and are in need of nothing else. This is so powerful – could it really be true? Of course our experiences tell us the exact opposite in many circumstances, which show us the gross deficiencies in our character, behavior, relationships, finances, etc.

God deals with your spirit (the heart.) The verse above addresses the human spirit inside of you that was created, or born, the day you heard the Word of God and believed. The Spirit of God begat you by the Word, and you were born as a new born child is born.

When my daughter was born, I often looked at her and remembered the verse above. Her body is born completely human, with everything that makes up the human body. Her body lacks nothing. All that she needed was milk to grow stronger and mature.

This is the exact scenario God is referring to when he mentions your human spirit. You were born complete in Christ, lacking nothing, looking like God in your daily life. As milk causes a baby’s body to grow to maturity, so the milk of the Word causes your newly born spirit to grow to full maturity. The fact that babies cannot speak does not mean they do not have vocal cords. They do have them, but are simply immature and not ready to work.

This is how the believer in Christ is loaded with the fullness of God in their spirit, yet is immature and suffering under the elements of the earth. Let this sink deep into your spirit: You are complete in Christ. Keep taking in milk and you will grow up to full maturity and function.


Where are some things that you already have in Him? See 1 Cor. 1:30.


Do not wait for anything or anyone to make you complete. God sees you as complete. How do you see yourself?


Thank the Lord for making you complete, lacking nothing.

Recommended Read: If any man be in Christ

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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