The Word-your window into the spirit

It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. (John 6:63 KJV)

Jesus said the words He spoke to the Jews who listened to Him were spirit and life. He said those words were “spirit”, as opposed to “flesh”, meaning those words were beyond the sounds they heard. Words are unique, as they have both a physical and a spiritual component.

The realm of the spirit controls life on the earth, whether you are aware of it or not. Whoever controls that realm will realm on the earth. Many believers are unaware of the enormous spiritual activity behind what seems like a normal day. Life is much more than we see.

The Word of God is our window into the realm of the spirit. By it, we can receive from the realm of the Spirit, see what is going on in that realm and even more importantly affect the realm of the spirit. You can address the realm of the spirit by the words you speak. Since God’s word is the supreme authority in the realm of the spirit, speaking God’s word is our divinely given means of living in the natural but changing what goes on the realm of the spirit. This is extremely vital for every believer to grasp. Do you want to see what is going on in the realm of the spirit about your life? Look into the word of God. Do you want to change the course of what is going on in your health? Speak God’s words and address the spiritual atmosphere which is behind your health status.


Think on the verse above. Are you living conscious of the reality of the realm of the spirit? Are you aware that what happens in that realm is really what determines everything about your physical life here?

What can you do today about the word above? Do not let the Word go unpracticed. Do something about it!


Ask the Lord to open your eyes to the reality of His word being spirit.

Recommended Read: Jehovah Tsidkenu Fulfilled in Christ

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