Who Will Go for Us ?
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me (Isaiah 6:8, KJV)

Isaiah had a prophetic vision of the throne room of God and heard the LORD asking “whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”. He responded and said, “ Here am I; send me.” The LORD is still asking this question today. He is still looking for those who are available for Him to send. He is searching for those who will go for the sake of His Kingdom.
You might read the verse above and immediately think God intends to send you to some remote place in the middle of nowhere for missionary work. When the LORD asked Isaiah that question, He had no intention of sending Isaiah out to a distant land. The mission field was the PEOPLE Isaiah was meeting every day, His fellow jews. There are a few of us that God will call to send to some specific distant place. However, the overwhelming majority of us will not be sent to some distance or remote country. There are enough problems, lost souls, and troubled lives right where you are, no matter where you are currently living.
There is a want of laborers in God’s kingdom. What are you doing for the kingdom right where you are? God is looking up to you to meet the spiritual needs of the people you meet every day. An angel will not be sent to that neighbor that is unsaved. Or maybe it is the local church that has no one volunteering to help. The need is everywhere. God is asking, “whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”. Would you answer the call? Would you be the one the Lord can count on?
Why are the laborers few to do God’s work? Please read Luke 14:16-20.
You are on a mission for the kingdom of God right where you are. You do not have to be ordained into an office or be sent to some remote area to do missions work. Jesus said, open your eyes and look right where you are for there is a lot to be done(John 4:35). Occupy till He comes! ( Luke 19:13).
Ask the Lord to help you become fully involved in the advancement of His kingdom.
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