Wherefore Henceforth Know We No Man After the Flesh

Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more (2 Corinthians 5:16 KJV)

The Apostle Paul says they had come to the point of no longer seeing people from a purely outward perspective. He continued stating that they had sometimes known Christ from this outward, human, perspective which he calls “knowing after the flesh.” How did they know Jesus after the flesh? It just means to know people naturally without knowledge of their spiritual worth. They knew Jesus as the firstborn of one  Joseph, a  Carpenter and his wife, Mary. They knew His hometown. They probably knew how He talked and smiled growing up as a little boy. This is what is called fleshly knowledge, or the outward human knowledge. 

However, something happened, and their knowledge of Jesus changed. They suddenly realized the One they had known all along was God Himself living with them. They moved from knowing Him in the flesh to know Him in the spirit, meaning seeing Who He really was spiritually. The Apostle adds “Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh.” They had also stopped knowing people purely based on outward appearance.

We have to learn to see people from the perspective of the spirit. You may know someone’s hometown. You may know their past, including their sins and disgusting past life. However, when anyone is in Christ, they are a new creature. All of this knowledge is now fleshly. We have to learn to see people not based on the flesh but from the perspective of the spirit. They might have been prostitutes five years ago. Today, they might be cleaned and anointed vessels God will use to bless you.  If we fail to see people from the perspective of the spirit, we will not receive what God can do in our lives through them.

In the same way, you should not allow the flesh to hinder you from seeing the real spiritual worth of others, including unbelievers. When you see beyond the flesh, you see their true spiritual value before God, and you will yearn to see them saved.

This principle also applies to you! No human being knows you better than you, and it is this knowledge of you that is one of your greatest hindrances with God. Because it is of often the Knowlege of the flesh which blinds you from seeing who you are in Christ. Know no man or woman any longer after the flesh, including yourself!


Why is it that it is easier for a congregation to receive from a guest pastor than from their own pastor?


Start looking beyond the flesh. Yes, someone might be your buddy from childhood. However, he or she might now be a vessel of God carrying an anointing that will bless you. Do not allow this knowledge in the flesh hinder you from receiving!


Ask the Lord to help you go beyond knowing people in the flesh, including yourself but to see them from His perspective. 

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  1. Wonderful and insightful words. Truly seeing people from their physical lifestyle has been a big challenge and an hindrance to certain breakthroughs. We normally look down on the certain. We forget the rebuke from our Lord Jesus, “‘Jesus answered and said’, “unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the… power of God” Matthew 22:29 (KJV). God’s power is able to create completely new things or call things which are not there as though they are there. I want to learn more. God bless you.

    1. Amen, thank you! You will find all of our articles and recorded sermons free on our site. The Lord fill you with the intimate knowledge of Him your heart desires.

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