Wherefore Didst Thou Doubt? A Rebuke Wrapped in Revelation
And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? (Matthew 14:31 KJV)

Faith can move mountains, but doubt can sink even those who have walked on water. Peter experienced both in moments—one step in faith, another in fear. The same happens to us. We start strong, believing God’s promises, but when circumstances shift, so does our confidence. Jesus’ question to Peter is His question to us: Why did you doubt? The implications are enormous. Our doubts may seem justified, but they are never reason enough to sink our faith in the midst of challenges.
Peter had just witnessed one of the greatest miracles in history. At Jesus’ command, he stepped out of the boat and walked on water! But when he saw the wind and waves, fear overtook him, and he began to sink. That’s when Jesus caught him and asked, “Wherefore didst thou doubt?”
Jesus didn’t ask this to gain information but to reveal a truth. Why did you doubt? And the implied answer? There was no real reason to doubt.
Most of our fears, anxieties, and worries have a “valid reason”—at least in our minds. When we hesitate to trust God, something appears to justify our fear: circumstances, past failures, or our weaknesses. Peter thought the storm was a valid reason to doubt—but was it?
Jesus’ question exposed the flaw in Peter’s thinking. He knew what was in Peter’s heart and what led to the loss of his miracle. Though Peter thought the storm was the problem, Jesus revealed it was the fear in his heart that divided him in doubt. Peter had taken his eyes—his focus, trust, and attention—off Jesus and fixed them on the wind. As a result, the storm seemed like a valid reason to fear, justifying his doubt. But Jesus reminded Peter there was never a reason to be afraid or to doubt.
Jesus’ question to Peter is just as relevant for us today. Peter thought he had a valid reason to justify his fear, but Jesus indirectly told him otherwise. Peter believed a lie that made his fear bigger than his faith. So now, here is Jesus’ question to us: What reasons are justifying our fear, anxiety, doubt, or worry right now? If we look deeper, we will almost certainly find a reason—but here’s Jesus’ point: Are those reasons valid with the Holy Spirit (God) in us?
So why are you afraid?
Why are you doubting?
Why are you worried?
Here is God’s promise: “Fear thou not; for I am with thee” (Isaiah 41:10, KJV).
Pause and reflect for a moment—our fears, doubts, and anxieties often seem justified in our minds. What are some of the reasons in your own mind right now?
Act on the Word
Examine the doubts that have crept into your heart. Are they based on circumstances, fears, or feelings? Bring them before God and replace them with the truth of His promises. Choose to stand on His Word, no matter how strong the wind may seem.
Lord, help me recognize when my doubts are based on things that cannot change Your promises. Strengthen my faith and keep my eyes fixed on You. Amen.
Recommended Read
- What is Doubt?
- Doubt Pollutes Faith
- Abraham the Father of Faith Doubts
- The Lie Behind Our Fears
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