Where is your faith?

And he said unto them, Where is your faith? And they being afraid wondered, saying one to another, What manner of man is this! for he commandeth even the winds and water, and they obey him (Lk. 8:25 KJV)

Wehre is your faith image showing waves on the sea

Jesus and His disciples were in a boat sailing through the sea when a mighty storm arose from the sea and began to beat on the boat, filling it with water, naturally putting the lives of the sailors in danger. Jesus was in the same boat but was asleep, while all the commotion was going on.

The frightened disciples got Him up in haste to save them. His response was the most unexpected. He got up from sleep, spoke to the winds with an instant calmness that followed and asked the disciples where they had kept their faith! The Apostles were astonished beyond measure and asked: “what manner of Man is this?”.

Jesus perceived faith as a heavenly treasure that we should use to calm the storms of life that come against us. There is more about our faith than many of us realize. Faith is a spiritual weapon in our hands to respond to the circumstances in life. You will be amazed to learn that the outcomes of many of the events in your lives, including demonic attacks, depends on your response–faith or fear. While faith resists Satan as a shield, fear gives him a room in your house to attack and defeat you. Learn to put your faith to work.


Is Jesus also asking you “where is your faith?”. What made the Apostles afraid? ( Hint: sight vs. faith). Declare that “I am putting my faith to work and calming every raging storm that comes against me in life.”


Do everything you can to avoid putting your faith in the backseat and giving fear the front seat when storms of life come against you. That is a perfect scenario for Satan to trump. Instead, put your faith to work.


Ask the Lord to help you put your faith to work in the circumstances of life

Recommended Read: Faith moves mountains 

Foundational Read: What is a Daily Devotional?

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