Faith works by love

For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love (Gal. 5:6 KJV).

faith works by love

Our Christian faith works by love. The key to understanding the meaning of “worketh” in this context is the verb “operate”. For example, computers follow basic programming rules to perform everyday functions. If you need to prepare a presentation for a meeting, you will most likely use a presentation software. This is how it operates. In the same way, faith operates by love. Love is the functional fruit of faith.

Faith is presented in this verse as a machine that operates. This means that faith can be put to work to carry out everyday tasks in the same manner as a computer. Just as you use a computer to create your presentation, you may put faith to work in your life. Faith operates and produces results when love is present in your tasks, just as the computer will produce the desired results when presentation software is present. Faith will not work when someone is trying to use it plot a hurtful scheme. The natural atmosphere for the operation of faith is love. Faith operates in love, and is in turn motivated and inspired by love. Faith becomes the power that drives the attitude of love. “Faith is viewed as the root, love as the fruit”(1)


Did you realize that faith is a tool in your hands giving you an ability to do things? Declare that “ my faith is operational, effective, and actively producing results”.


Learn to put your faith to work in the circumstances of your life. Let love inspire and motivate your faith and faith empower your love for others.


Ask the Spirit of God to help you put your faith to work. Pray that the love of God will grow in your heart towards those around you.

Bruce, F. F. (1982). The Epistle to the Galatians: a commentary on the Greek text (p. 232). Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.

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