What do you see when you look at the mirror?

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord (2 Corinthians 3:18, KJV)

Paul gives us an astonishing revelation of who we are in Christ and the secret to our transformation in the verse above. He says we all, with open faces, that is, uncovered by any veil, are looking as though looking in the mirror the glory of God, and as we keep looking, the Spirit of the Lord transforms us from one degree of glory to another.

What do you see when you stand in front of a mirror? No tricks in the question! Almost all of us probably looked into a mirror at some point today. You see yourself when you look straight into the mirror. Now take another look at the verse above. It says when we look into the mirror, the Lord calls what we see, that is, ourselves, the glory of the Lord! This is mind-blowing!

The mirror is the Word of God( Ja. 1:25). Looking or seeing in this context is not referring to the physical eyes. It refers to knowing or having a revelation of who God says we are from His Word. We are united with Christ, who is the image and glory of God therefore He calls the new creation the glory of God! It means God has created you to have the fullness of His being and be a complete visible expression of His invisible nature! 

As you keep looking in the mirror and seeing that glory revealed in the Person of Jesus Christ, the Spirit of God transforms you to become what you are seeing( the transformation of the soul that lives here). Herein lies the secret of Christian transformation: the continual revelation of the Son of God! 


Did you look at the mirror today? What did you see? Yes, physically, you saw you but what did you see spiritually? : the  old man that was an addict, alcoholic, adulterer, failure, psychological wreck, etc? Is that what you still see in the mirror? Can you believe God and see what He sees in that same mirror, that you indeed the glory of God?


Your spirit is as Christ is. It does not need any more changes. Your soul, the person that lives here, and now is what needs transformation. That is what determines the way you talk, feel or act. The secret of transformation is to keep looking at the mirror of the Word and allowing the Spirit perform a complete makeover of your soul( renewing the mind).


Could you just tell the Lord thank You for such an amazing grace of calling us to partake of His glory? 

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