Understanding the Blessing of God

“It is the blessing of the LORD that makes rich, And He adds no sorrow to it” (Prov. 10:22 NAS).

It is in our own best interest as believers to fully understand what the real blessing of the Lord is, and most importantly, how to activate and live in it on earth. It will make the difference as to whether your current life on earth is on the cursed earth or in the Garden of Eden!

The blessing of God is a spiritual endowment from the Lord that makes the earth and all that there is within it to flourish and become fruitful. It is indeed a gift from God that makes you and everything you touch glow and flourish. It can be best compared to the rain that falls from heaven to make the earth soft and fruitful. When there is no rain, the earth is hard and farmers will toil for little results. The blessing we have today comes to us as both spiritual and physical riches. The scripture above teaches us that the blessing of the Lord makes us rich, because whatever His blessing touches will flourish! God has already blessed you in Christ!


Can you see why prosperity by the blessing is sweeter than prosperity by human efforts? See the scripture above and note what does not come with the blessing of God.


The blessing of God is essentially God’s Word spoken over a situation, with the refreshing effect that the Holy Spirit brings. That is the reason why DOERS OF THE WORD are those who are blessed! (James 1:25). Start DOING whatever God tells you, no matter how small. Look for something in your situation today, find out what God says about it, and ACT ON IT. Could it be “do not worry about anything”?


Ask the Lord to open your understanding to what the blessing of God is and how to activate it in your family, finances, ministry, etc.

Recommended Read: What are showers of blessing?

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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