Two things that will give you an instant advantage this year
Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; He shall not stand before mean men (Proverbs 22:29, KJV)

We are officially in a new year! Did you receive the insight from Glory & Grace Daily for January 1st? If not, please ensure you not only read but accept those three keys to make 2020 your best year ever! Let me share two things that will give you an instant advantage in any aspect of your life this year. How many of you want to have an advantage this year? Well, I do not have some rhema “prophetic word” to tell you what will happen to you this year. I have the “sure word of prophecy” from the scriptures to tell you how you can MAKE the year what it should be against all the odds!
Prov. 22:29 above tells us that there are people who have the ability to stand before kings and not before mean men. In other words, there are people whose abilities take them to see presidents and not just some fellow around the neighborhood. What if that is you? It sure can be you. I have these keys to put into your hands and the ball will then be in your court.
The first key that will make you instantly distinguished is ideas. The world is full of information and methods, but ideas that work and change people’s lives are lacking. The world is thirsty and dying for ideas to solve problems. An idea that will solve people’s problems will take you to stand before kings. As a believer, the Holy Spirit in you is the wisdom of God. I have shared before how to provoke inspiration in your life. My moments of prayer and meditation in the morning are charged with continual downloads of fresh ideas from heaven. The Word and praying in tongues are dangerous weapons in your hands to unleash ideas that will affect your finances, business, job, etc. There are thousands of employees. But employees that have ideas that make a company prosperous are rare. Child of God, you have an advantage. Avail yourself of the opportunities.
The second key I will put in your hands today is skill. It is directly related to ideas. Abilities or skills to make things happen. As I have written above, the world is full of people. However, people with skills or abilities that make things happen are rare. For example, the gifts of the Spirit are spiritual skills. The word of knowledge is a skill that is not only useful to the Church but can solve tons of problems people are going through. I recently realized the wisdom the Lord gave me to know Him and His ways is useful in every part of my life, including my medical career. I have the ability to understand complex things that others find hard to grasp. I was just reflecting on my year 2019 yesterday and realized I had learned a crucial financial skill, an ability to make money. Yes, skills can be learned. The Church is full of people looking for breakthroughs. God is asking you today, what is it that you have in your hands? The same Holy Spirit that imparts knowledge of ideas can “teach your hands to war”(Ps. 144:1), meaning He can train you to have skills that the world is dying to see.
This devotional is enough to change your life forever if you receive this Word. I think believers sometimes need to be driven out of prayer closets to do what it takes to make their lives different. Some of you will be spending hours in fasting for the new year but will finish with nothing in your hands, to end up in December not different from where you started in January. The diligent stand before kings, and not mean men. The choice is yours.
Do you have any idea or skill that can solve a problem at your work, home, Church, etc?
Set aside time to read this devotional again alone and honestly evaluate your life. People are screaming for a breakthrough. However, the world is dying to see people with ideas or skills that will solve its billion problems. Be a world changer. You have the Spirit of God!
Ask the Lord to help you work with His Spirit to have an advantage this year.
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