Two major pieces of God’s plan to acquire wealth

The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow (Deuteronomy 28:12 KJV)

blessed with all spiritual blessings showing a bag of money

Today is Day 5 of  Deshen Daily’s miniseries on what the scriptures teach about riches and prosperity. I will share a simple but profound biblical truth regarding God’s complete plan to acquire wealth.

Please reread Deus. 28:12 above and pay attention to the clause “and to bless all the work of thine hand.” This clause carries the mystery of the operation of divine prosperity. The two key phrases are “bless” and “work of thine hand.”  When the blessing meets the work of the hands, there is a supernatural release that takes place.

A farmer who wants abundant harvest prepares the ground, plants the seed, and carter for the plants. He does the work. The rain falls on the ground already set up and causes the seed to grow and yield the harvest. The farmer needs both the preparation of his farm and the rain. If rain falls on bad farmland will not produce a great harvest.  If he prepares the ground and there is no rain, the harvest will also struggle.

Rain represents the blessing of God.  Christ brought to the blessing to us. However, scriptures clearly teach us that giving has a central role in activating the blessing to operate financially from a practical perspective. The work of our hands represents the things we are doing that can be blessed. You need both to be present to activate financial prosperity.


What are the two major aspects of the plan of God in our lives regarding getting wealth?


You should have an excellent working understanding of the blessing and the work of your hands to activate divine prosperity. They are not options to choose from. We need both. 


Ask the Spirit to help you make the blessing work together with the work of your hands. 

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