Tree planted by the rivers

“For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit” (Jer. 17:8 NKJ).

Can you imagine your life flourishing like the tree above? Notice the “he” at the beginning that calls our attention to the fact that God is using figurative language here to describe the life of someone. When a tree is planted by the river, its leaves are always green and it produces fruit all year round. God’s design is for your life to always be flourishing and productive in everything you do, including your spiritual life, family, finances, health, etc.

Can this be true here on earth? Having challenges is not the same as being empty, dry, or unfruitful. Many Christians have based their idea of how the Christian life should be based on their experience or the experience of others. God wants your life to be like a tree planted by the river that flourishes in all things at all times. The key is where your life is planted. Ps 1:1-3 and Josh 1:8 give us the secret—delight in the Word, meditate on it, and do what it says consistently. You plant your life by the river by establishing your life on the Word, constantly FEEDING and DOING what it says. A tree that is planted in desert soil should not be surprised when it becomes dry and barren (Eze. 19:13). Be planted by the rivers of living water!


Why does the tree in Jer. 17:8 above always flourish? Think about this.


Are you a leafy fruitful tree or a struggling barren branch ready to fall off? Do you know that it depends on you? Would you plant yourself today by the rivers?


Do not ask God to make your flourish. Ask Him to give you the wisdom to plant yourself by the rivers.

Recommended Read: Flourishing like a palm tree

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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