Transform Your Life with Gratitude: Discover the Power of Testimony

And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God, And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan. (Luke 17:15–16, KJV)

Is testifying about God’s miracles in your life important? Jesus’ actions after healing ten men with leprosy affirm a resounding “yes.”

The narrative unfolds as Jesus, en route to Jerusalem, encounters ten lepers seeking healing. He instructs them to show themselves to the priest, a directive that sparked their faith. All ten men were healed as they obeyed, yet remarkably, only one returned to express gratitude to Jesus.

This sole leper’s act of thankfulness was twofold: he loudly glorified God and then prostrated himself in gratitude, acknowledging Jesus’ role in his healing. This Samaritan’s response embodied both praise and thanks for the divine intervention in his life.

Jesus’ reaction underscores the significance of returning to give thanks, noting the absence of the other nine:

And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger. (Luke 17:17–18, KJV)

This moment highlights the importance of acknowledging God’s work in our lives with gratitude and praise, not just internally but openly.

So, how can you apply this lesson? Begin by expressing gratitude the moment a miracle occurs, whether privately or publicly. Share your testimony in church, with family, friends, and even on social media if you use it. Remember, testifying isn’t confined to church services or meetings. Instead, it’s a personal practice of reacting with praise and gratitude to God’s works and sharing these experiences with others. Recognizing and thanking God openly for His deeds encourages a culture of gratitude and can lead to more miracles. If you cannot be grateful for the little things, who will do bigger things for you?


Reflect on your response to God’s miraculous works in your life.

Apply the Word

Commit to acknowledging and celebrating God’s interventions in your life, spreading the word of His goodness.


Ask the Spirit to help you appropriately respond to all of God’s works in your life, big or small, that God performs in your life.

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