The Wisdom of the Holy Spirit

And he hath filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship (Exodus 35:31, KJV)

God does whatever He does through His power and  wisdom. In fact, I often say it that just as we have two hands that help us carry out our tasks, God’s  “two hands” are His power and wisdom. The power of the Holy Spirit is well known to  us. There is a constant cry and prayer for more of His power for obvious reasons. However, we need to recognize that power is only one of the two “hands” of the Holy Spirit. We need to become more conscious of His wisdom.

The LORD filled Bezalel in Exo. 35:31 above with the Holy Spirit. However, Bezalel did no miracles or supernatural display of strength. He was not filled with power but with wisdom. This guy was endowed with supernatural ability and skill to design all the complex objects of worship. Do you know that the Lampstand in the Tabernacle with all those complex designs had to be made from one piece of gold? Think about that. In fact, Jewish Rabbis, later on, could not fathom how on earth that man designed it. They came up with the theory that it was so complicated that he had to throw the gold into the fire and the lampstand came out by a miracle! Well, this is not what happened, but it tells you what the Spirit of God did through Bezalel. So craftsmanship can be imparted by the Spirit!

Joseph’s wisdom in interpreting dreams astonished Pharaoh and he was the second in command in the greatest nation at the time. Similarly, Daniel’s wisdom made him spend the rest of his life in the land of his captivity not as a captive but dining and taking only with kings and authorities in the empire.

You might be surprised to know that the majority of our problems are not due to a lack of power problems but wisdom. We need to make a paradigm shift in the way we think about the Holy Spirit. He is not just here to fill us with power, but with wisdom from on high.


Why do you think wisdom has not been so popular amongst us? 


Desire the wisdom of God. It operates in different dimensions in our lives. Daniel interpreted dreams. Solomon could dissolve complex life challenges and had tremendous practical and government insight. Paul was graced with the knowledge of the depths of God’s will and how the kingdom operates. Bezalel knew how to do his job with excellence and unmatched skill Cry out for the wisdom of God in every aspect of your life.


Ask the Lord to fill you with the spirit of wisdom in everything you are involved in. 

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