The violent take the kingdom by force

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force (Matthew 11:12, KJV)

The violent take it by force showing a fighter jet

What does Jesus mean by “the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence” and “the violent take it by force”?

A related passage in the Gospel of Luke offers insight into what this verse means:

“The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it” (Luke 16:16, KJV).

The core concept is that people are pressing into the kingdom of God as if storming through a door and forcefully entering. What is within this kingdom house that people are so eager to press in? The kingdom is our salvation in Christ. It is the joy, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. Moreover, it gives us control over sin and Satan— and fear, anxiety, depression, poverty, disease, or any foe that opposes God’s will in our lives. The kingdom is  God’s gift to us!

According to Jesus, appropriating the kingdom necessitates kingdom violence. This violence is not physical, but rather spiritual—encompassing faith, courage ,tenacity, etc. What’s more, the impetus to use force is clear: God establishes His kingdom on earth against an active opposing kingdom( Satan’s). Consequently, if we remain passive and complacent in spiritual matters, Satan will always outwit us.

Let’s look at some examples to solidify this point. Following Jesus will cost us everything: rejecting the world and embracing Christ is violent spiritual warfare. Similarly, violence is required to overcome sin and the flesh every day—it is an ongoing fight. Again, some miracles or breakthroughs require us to not only ask but to actively seek and knock until the door opens(remember the woman with hemorrhage for 12 years).


Why did Jesus say, “from the days of John the Baptist?”. What was different about this period?

Apply the Word

Get this truth deep in your spirit: God’s will is not always automatically done in our lives.To enforce His will, we cooperate by the violent force of obedience, faith, commitment, boldness, etc.


Ask the Father to help you develop kingdom violence. 

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