The soul and the spirit

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Heb. 4:12 KJV).

The soul and spirit image showing two swords and a shield

There is a difference between the soul and the spirit of man, as noted in our scripture above. The Word of God, as a sword, can pierce to the division of the soul and the spirit. This statement means the Word of God brings understanding and enables us to make a difference between the soul and the spirit!

It is essential to understand this difference because the state of our experience on the earth right now is directly controlled by the state and operation of our soul. The activities of the soul include our thoughts, imaginations, emotions, decisions, motivations, and others. These are the unseen aspects of our lives that control what others hear us say or see us do. These invisible part of man is what is called the heart. It is the center of your life.

The soul operates jointly with the spirit forming a single unit which the scriptures often calls the inner man, the hidden man or simply the heart. Your spirit is in touch with God, but your soul is in contact with the natural realities around you. If you want to see the Spirit of God show up in your daily life, then your soul has to be brought into alignment with the spirit. Your thinking, emotions, and decisions must be in line with the spirit. This is what is called the renewal of the mind.


What part of you got saved when you received Christ?( John 3:6) How do you renew the mind? ( Col. 3:10)


Your goal in Christianity is to allow Christ to be “formed in you” ( Gal. 3:19) as your soul is renewed each day to align with the life in your spirit fully. Keep growing and developing in the faith.


Ask the Spirit to open your understanding of the soul and spirit through the sword of His Word.

Recommended Read: What is your spirit doing inside of you? 

Foundational Read: What is a Daily Devotional?

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