The seven spirits of God: fullness to fulfill a purpose
And the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD. (Isaiah 11:2 ESV)

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We continue the mini-series here at Deshen Daily to further explore the mysteries behind the seven spirits of God. As already discussed, the seven spirits of God as described in Isaiah 11:2 does not refer to the totality of the qualities of the Holy Spirit. Rather, they refer to the Holy Spirit as the Father’s anointing upon the Anointed One. It is the fullness of the Holy Spirit in a Man.
Isaiah was speaking about the coming Messiah that will rule as the promised Davidic King. The specific qualities of the Spirit that will be operating in this coming king as described by Isaiah are qualities that will enable Him to discharge His duties as a king. As the Spirit enabled David to be king in a measure, the Messiah will have the fullness of the Spirit to enable Him to function perfectly as a king. This is partly the reason why not every operation of the Holy Spirit is mentioned in Isaiah 11:2 above because the focus and purpose of that anointing was for Jesus to function as a king. He is more than just a King but also a Prophet, High Priest and Savior!
A critical message I want you to remember in this series is that the same fullness of the Spirit that was on Christ is what is on you as a believer. Let this reality become your normal consciousness!
Please take a moment to ponder and mutter the words of Isaiah 11:2 above in light of the mini-series of devotionals including this one.
My goal for this mini-series is to open your eyes to Who or what is in you as a believer. I pray that I succeed in this endeavor! May your fellowship with the Holy Spirit never be the same as you allow Him to operate in higher realms in your life.
Thank the Father for the precious Gift of the Holy Spirit.
Free Mini E-book: From Spiritual Dryness to Flourishing