The Second Adam
“And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit….The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven” (1 Corinthians 15:45-47, KJV).
The scripture above uses two descriptive phrases to describe Jesus in relation to Adam. It calls Jesus the “last Adam” and the “second Man.” Please note that the verse did not specifically use the phrase “second Adam.”
It is remarkable that God sees all of humanity represented by just two people: the first man called Adam and the second Man called Jesus. Those who are in Adam are all dead because of sin, while those who are in Jesus are alive through faith in Him and because of His righteousness.
Notice that God did not say the second Adam but the last Adam. Well, does that matter? The difference is subtle but quite intriguing and refreshing to understand! The word “last” means the entire Adamic race and all that was associated with it came to a close. It was the last! The word “second” would not have emphasized such finality because “second” suggests there could still be a third. However, the Lord says the Man Jesus was the last Adam. The earthly man, with the curse of sin, has been put to rest in Jesus. We now have a new creation, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, and a peculiar people. You are the new creation in Christ!
What is a key difference between the first man Adam and the second Man Jesus given in the scripture above? Declare: “I am a new creation, born of God, born from heaven and carrying a heavenly nature.”
Can you see who you are? Be bold, confident, and fearless in your God today as you face the circumstances of your life.
Thank the Spirit of God for making you a new creation. Pray that your understanding will be opened to fully grasp and enjoy all of your inheritance as a child of God.
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