The Prayer of a Righteous Person has Great Power

The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working (Jas. 5:16 ESV)

Righteous person's prayer has great power image showing a praying woman

The prayer of a righteous person is effective and powerful. It works! The righteous is the one that is in right standing with God, that can pray to Him and get a response. The righteous is the believer in Christ. We have been justified and made righteous before God. As a believer, you are righteous that the Apostle James is referring to above when he says the righteous person’s prayer has great power.

Power is the ability to cause changes in any sphere of life. If we had all power, we would undoubtedly change many things in our lives. There are issues in our world today that we would change instantly if we had the power to do so. It is one thing to know what is broken and needs to be fixed, and another to have the power to change it. However, God gives us a guide to tap into divine power in our verse above.

Prayer works. It can produce changes in our lives. Prayer activates and taps into divine power to command changes in our circumstances. It creates a spiritual atmosphere for the miraculous to occur. A very sad reality in the Church today is that many believers say prayer is powerful but do not believe what they say. Their practical prayer routines still show that they genuinely do not believe in prayer. Tap into this divine powerhouse in your hands!


If prayer works, from God’s perspective as above, why are many  Christians not praying regularly? You can look into your own prayer life and see the reasons, whatever they are, that might be choking the habit of prayer. 


Prayer at its core is a habit. It is not a one-time thing you do when you are in trouble. Cultivate that habit against all the odds. Life will do everything to kick prayer out of your schedule. It is up to you what you will do in response. Fight for your prayer life!


Ask the Spirit to pour a fresh unction of prayer over you from today. 

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