Out of Your Belly Shall Flow Rivers of Living Water

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water (John 7:38 KJV)

how do rivers of living waters flow out of your belly

Picture this scene: a large river flowing from your abdomen into the environment, watering the plants and animals around you, making everything green, healthy, and thriving! This is a powerful metaphor for how Jesus sees us. Before proceeding, let’s explore what this metaphor means.

John provides interpretive anchors to help us understand this metaphor. First, he states that the rivers of living water represent the Holy Spirit. Note the nuance in the language: rivers of living water (plural) symbolize the Spirit (singular). One Spirit (the River) flows out as rivers. Second, John explicitly tells us who Jesus had in mind: those who believe in Him, i.e., Christians. He didn’t say ministers but anyone who believes in Jesus, referring to the born-again child of God. Also, Christians receive the Spirit into their hearts at the new birth, so the belly here represents the heart.

With these anchors, we can understand what Jesus did not directly explain. What does it mean for rivers to flow out of someone’s belly, and how do they come out?

In this context, water represents God meeting the needs of people by His Spirit. The idea of water flowing out of the heart implies that Jesus envisioned the effects of that river on those around you. Essentially, Jesus defines ministry in the New Testament as believers distributing rivers of living water to those in need around them.

So, whenever the Holy Spirit uses you to meet someone’s needs, He has essentially used you to give them living water to drink. For example, when the Samaritan woman asked Jesus for living water, He used the gift of the word of knowledge to say things about her life that brought complete transformation, healing her inner brokenness( John 4:15-19;28-29).

The Spirit in you (the River) flows through your entire being, including your words and actions, to meet people’s physical, emotional, or spiritual needs. Whether through the fruit or gifts, let the River flow through you as rivers of love, power, wisdom, kindness, etc., to refresh those around you.


Why does God use the metaphor of water to represent the Spirit? What does water do for people that is similar to the operations of the Holy Spirit?

Apply the Word

Jesus defines ministry in John 7:38-39 and, by implication, declares every Christian a minister by birth You are God’s reservoir of rivers of living water to give drink to those around you. Let the rivers flow out as you yield to the Spirit!


Ask the Holy Spirit to make you proficient in giving living waters to those around you.

Recommended Read

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