The LORD had Given Him Rest Round About

And it came to pass, when the king sat in his house, and the LORD had given him rest round about from all his enemies  (2 Sam. 7:1 KJV)

The Lord had given him rest showing a woman resting besides her bicycle

King David is the epitome of a man whose life was personally monitored and ordered by the Lord. The Lord chose him to be the king of Israel and subdued all his enemies under his feet. He was a mighty warrior, but the LORD  was the source of His unmatched victories in battles.

When the LORD established David as king, He ensured that no nation or king was able to stand in battle against Israel. No nation suppressed Israel in the days of David. Every army that came against David, or which he attacked was doomed to defeat. God was with  David wherever he went. This divine presence was the secret of his military victories.

There is a time for war, and there is a time for rest. David had battles, and then God gave him rest.God has not ordained your life to be in constant fighting and warfare against the enemies of your soul, including sin, Satan or the issues of life. There is a time for rest. May the LORD give you rest from all your labors indeed! May He cause you to know rest from Satanic oppression, disease, sin, poverty, fears, anxieties, etc.

When you enter into His rest, we cease trying to make things work for yourself while He takes over our lives to subject our enemies and express the beauties of His excellencies through you. Labor to enter into that rest( Heb. 4:9-11)


How do we enter into God’s rest? ( Heb. 4:3). Declare that “the LORD is giving me rest round about from all the enemies of my life.”


There is a time for spiritual rest. Your entire life should not be warfare. Labor to enter into God’s rest by the Word, as you die to self and come alive in faith to allow God take over your life while you sit and enjoy the ride!


Ask the Father to help you labor to enter into His rest.

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