The Beauty of the Holy Spirit As Your Comforter
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name..(John 14:26 KJV)

What did Jesus have in mind when He called the Holy Spirit the Comforter? This devotional examines three intriguing revelations from the famous John 14 passage to help you understand the Holy Spirit as your Comforter. As always, my goal is to improve our intimacy with the Holy Spirit and to walk more closely with Him.
First, Jesus said the Holy Spirit is “another Comforter” ( John 14:26). If the Holy Spirit is another Comforter, who then is the other Comforter? In John 14:18, Jesus said, “I will not leave you comfortless,” meaning as long as He was with them, they had a Comforter. The context makes it clear that Jesus is the other Comforter. The disciples enjoyed special privileges because they had Jesus as their Comforter physically present ( Matt. 9:15). Understanding the Holy Spirit as another Comforter begins by recognizing that Jesus is the other Comforter—Jesus was the Comforter present with them and who solved all their problems!
Second, the Greek word for the Comforter, the Paraclete, was a common term used in that period. This word is so rich that it is difficult to find a single English term that accurately captures its meaning. Etymologically, it means “a calling to one’s side” (para, “besides,” kaleo, “to call”). Prominent NT Lexicons like the BDAG or Louw-Nida agree that the technical meaning of “lawyer” is inadequate here. Nevertheless, the central idea is that the Comforter is someone who has been summoned to be on our side to help us. The Amplified Version has done a fantastic job of providing six English words that help capture the different facets of the word “Comforter.”
The Amplified Version of John 14:26 states: “But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name..”. Think of the Holy Spirit in you as your Counsellor, imparting not only divine counsel but teaching you Truth; He is your Helper, helping you in that ministry or that task at work; He is your Intercessor, praying for you with groanings that cannot be uttered; He is your Advocate, always having your back; He is your Strengthener, strengthening you with might in your inner man; He is your Standby, available 24/7 to meet every need!
As believers, we have only one reason we fail in life or are defeated by life’s challenges—we just do not allow the Comforter to do His job. Yield to the Spirit, and see God’s glory increase in your life!
Watch: Did you watch the recording of Deshen Live Bible Study this week? It is titled “Understanding Spiritual Eyes“. You can also watch all the recorded Bible Studies directly on Deshen App.
List 3 or 4 areas in your life now that you need the services of the Paraclete from heaven.
The Paraclete cannot do His job when we are busy helping Him. Our human efforts and the flesh are our own enemies. Make up your mind to yield or surrender to the Spirit. It begins by knowing who He is and how He operates. I have written many devotionals revealing the Person and the work of the Holy Spirit. Please take these revelations in. Watch the sermons on the Spirit as many times as it takes to bring these truths in you.
Thank the Lord for the beautiful gift of the Comforter
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The Communion of the Holy Spirit
Who Is the Holy Spirit and What Does He Do?
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