The Gods are Come Down to Us in the Likeness of Men
And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men
(Acts 14:11 KJV)

Paul healed a lame man in a city called Lycaonia and the people there were so overwhelmed that they said “the gods are come down to us in the likeness of men”. They knew speaking to a lame man to get up and walk and seeing it happen is beyond what mere humans can do.
The Lycaonians were gentiles and idolatrous. In fact, they did not know the one true God and referred to His power as the power of “the gods”. However, what they said is one of the most profound truths regarding God’s mysterious plan for humanity and for the revelation of His glory. Astonishing how God uses even the unsaved to reveal His plans and purposes in the scripture.
They saw Paul. They heard what He said and saw with their eyes the manifestations of the people of God. They did not see God. The one they saw was Paul, but they knew immediately that it was not Paul they were seeing but “the gods” or more accurately God that is revealed in the likeness of men. Beloved, this is the life of glory.
God has called you to be the visible manifestation of his invisible being. He wants to be seen AS YOU. He wants His power, wisdom, love, holiness, etc to be seen as you live.
What is our call to glory as revealed in the devotional above? What does it mean that the glory of the Lord shall be seen upon you?
Can you see what God wants to do with your life? You are not merely a disciple of Christ. You are His flesh and bones, His body on the earth! He lives in and as you in the world! Oh such glory that is before us. These are the days of the manifestations of the sons of God. Arise, shine for your life has come!
Thank the Father for the blessing of being called into His eternal glory.
Reading Through the Bible: Lesson 2 of Approaches to Bible Study.
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