What Holds the Universe Together?

He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power (Hebrews 1:3, ESV)

What holds the universe together? As a scientist, I am undoubtedly aware of the natural laws that govern the structure and operation of the world. However, the Word tells us there is more than meets the scientific eye. It says above that the universe is held together by the Word of God’s power; in other words, the Word of God sustains and holds the universe together. This is an astonishing,  and strange truth in the Word.

Is the universe physically held together by natural laws or is God holding the universe together spiritually irrespective of the natural laws? Or could it be both?

Let me pose this question from a different perspective to show you the complex interplay of the spiritual and the physical. Where is man’s life located? Medical science has made astonishing achievements within the last century. Have you ever heard a scientist tell you with certainty that they have isolated human life or found where it is located? Why? Man’s life is in his spirit, but that life is maintained by biological structure and function! For that life to continue, the body must be anatomically and physiologically intact. However, there is an invisible life principle that holds the body together.

The same is true of the entire universe. There is a power that holds the universe beyond natural laws. Interestingly, even the life of the atheist comes from God and God’s power keeps his body, soul, and spirit going! He is the Omnipotent and Almighty God!


How did God create the world? Heb. 12:2. How does He sustain the world He created?


Our God created the universe. He sustains the universe. And He will bring the present physical universe to its end. He is not anxious in heaven asking Himself what to do with the chaos in the world. He is the Omnipotent One. Your life is in good hands!


Praise the Lord for His glorious power. 

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