The Glory, the Power and the Presence of God

This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him (John 2:11, KJV)

The glory of God is a crucial topic for every one of us to comprehend fully. It is at the center of our calling and inheritance in Christ. It is what God has called us into. But what is the glory of God?

In a nutshell, the glory of God is the experience or visible expression of the power and presence of God. In the verse above, we are told that when Jesus turned water into wine, He manifested forth His glory. That was the manifestation of power described as the glory. When God came down upon mount Sinai, the Israelites saw the glory of God like fire. It was the manifestation of the presence. The glory is the manifestation of the presence and power of God.

The words “experience” and “visible”  used above are critical. The glory is not only expressed for others to see, but it is an experience. It is an experience of God’s presence and power. It is an experience of God Himself.  God has not merely called you to express His presence and other to the world around you. He has called you to first and foremost be in fellowship with Him, that is, to a place of experiencing God’s very life and being. What a blessing in Christ!

Think about what God has called you into. He will be immersed in your being, bringing you into His very life, and then shining through you to those that are around you. 


Can you define the glory of God in your own words with the understanding from the devotional above?


Is God every defeated? Does He ever have a down day? Is He broke? What is God’s life and personal experience like? That is what you have been called into! Grace has brought you into the glory of God in Christ! Stretch your faith and enjoy eternal life until it overflows.


Bless the Lord for the wonderful grace bestowed upon us in bringing us into His glory. 

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  1. Hello Patrick,
    I have written a song called The Power and The Glory which is based on climate change, saving the planet and hearing God’s call for us to think and act kindly to each other and the environment.
    I have been looking for a suitable image to represent the song on Spotify and other outlets for its forthcoming release. Is the image here subject to copyright or would I be able to use it please as is perfect. It’s simple, striking and says it all.
    Thank you for your consideration

    1. Hi Julie. Thanks for reaching out and congratulations on completing your song! I use a subscription service to purchase images at and that is where I probably got the image from. It is copyrighted. I just did a reverse image search at and also found it at deposit photos. Hope that helps. Blessings there and more grace with your work.

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