The spirit of fear

 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy  1:7 KJV)

Fear is a top notch  destiny-killer.

It incapacitates people, keeps  men and women  who are apparently free outside  in chains of bondage inside.  Have you ever found yourself in a position where you were unable to do what  you knew you could do, because you were afraid? This happens because fear incapacitates and can make cowards and fools from  inherently wise people.

As a believer, we must proactively deal with fear otherwise its effects will be seen from our relationship with God and men around us, to our families, ministries, careers, business, etc.

Fear is not simply an emotion. The Bible calls it above the “spirit of fear”. Fear is a spirit.  This does not imply that fear is a demon and whenever we are afraid, we are either possessed or oppressed by a demon. Yes, there are manifestations of fear that are purely demonic.  “Spirit” here means a powerful spiritual influence or a disposition that takes control of us. Did you realize we seem to loose control when we are in fear? Something else is in charge-the spirit of fear.

Recognizing fear as a spirit is key to living above it.  God did not give us that spirit. Learn to yield to the Spirit of God, rather than the spirit of fear.


Think through the words of the verse above. Do you often find yourself  taken hostage by the spirit of fear? Then something is controlling you which is not coming from God.

What areas of your live is fear taking an upper hand?

Take a moment and say the words of the verse above aloud. This is confessing. This is muttering the Word as in Joshua 1:8.


Ask the Lord to enable you to yield to His Spirit rather than to fear today.

As a spirit, fear is responsive to words! Rebuke it when it shows its ugly head!

Recommended Read: An Old Enemy

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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