The blessings of reading through the Bible regularly
Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom…. (Colossians 3:16 KJV)

Enriching your heart with the knowledge of God’s Word should be a top priority in your life. Col. 3:16 above says God’s Word should dwell richly in you. It implies the knowledge of His Word in us is quantifiable, meaning we can have it in various amounts. Some believers have little, a little bit more, and others a lot. The Lord says to have the knowledge of His Word richly, that is, have a lot of it. The entire Bible contains the complete revelation of God and His plans for your life that He wants you to know. How much of that knowledge do you have? A little, some, or a lot?
Reading through the Bible gives us a unique opportunity to know everything that God has told us. The goal is not to understand everything you read in-depth but to have at least an awareness of everything. As I shared last year about this time, reading through the Bible is a top priority for me. I do in-depth studies of the Word but there a mystery around just reading through the Bible. There are times I have read the Bible, sometimes on my phone, and got filled with the Spirit’s power and presence!
I highly recommend and urge you to read through the Bible every year. If you have not yet started, it is not too late. There are Bible study plans you can find on YouVersion if you need one.
What is the difference between reading, studying, and meditation on the Word of God?
Please do not make a mistake I did as a young Christian. I knew it was essential to read through the Bible, and many times I just read through verses without the basic understanding of what they are saying. I do not mean having some head-popping revelation but a basic understanding of what it is saying. Remember, it is the understanding that matters, not a mere memory of verses. See you in December in the book of Revelation!
Ask the Spirit to help, encourage, and strengthen you to read through the Word this year.
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