Talk Advantage of the Spirit Realm
Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41, KJV)

Our Glory & Grace Live Bible study this week established the critical place of the spirit realm in our daily lives. We know that there is another realm of life besides the physical we are aware of. It is the realm of the spirit. Man is a mystery being created by God that brings these two worlds together in one. God made us spirit and flesh. The entrance of sin has corrupted our being, dividing the spirit from the flesh in function. The spirit can be willing but the flesh will say “no” This was not so from the beginning.
The spirit world is still alive and well. Man was simply disconnected from it at the fall. When we become saved, we are again reconnected to that realm of life where God, our Father, is. Jesus said above that the flesh is weak. This statement in the specific context He said it meant the body is weak. However, the applications are many. In a broad sense, the “flesh is weak” means natural means have limitations. Medical science, for example, has changed our lives dramatically. However, it is the flesh and it still has its limitations.
The advantage we have as believers is that we have access to a realm of life, higher and more powerful than the realm of the flesh(physical). You can tap into that realm, bring the power of God to change things which are impossible in the realm of the flesh. A disease may be incurable, through fleshly means. However, when the power of God comes, the disease instantly leaves and becomes cured. Why? The flesh has limits, but the power of God has no limitations. Take advantage of the spirit!
What is the meaning of the statement “the flesh is weak” as used in the verse above? What generalization can be made from this statement as discussed in the devotional above?
Faith accesses the spirit realm, takes spiritual resources from God and brings them into the natural realm. This is the exclusive privilege of the believers in Christ. You have an advantage. Stir up your faith.
Ask the Father to help you develop your faith and put it to work.
👏👏👏👏💪💪 This is teaching is power it is for those who take part in our Kingdom