Rooted and Built Up in Him

Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving (Colossians 2:7, KJV)

The Lord’s desire is for us to be rooted and built up in Christ. As always, locating figurative language in scripture as discussed in recent devotionals is critical to appreciate the meaning and application of scripture fully. The term “rooted” brings to mind the idea of a tree, while “built up” brings to mind the picture of a house. It is a fantastic mix of figures: that of a tree and a house together addressing two critical parts of our  spiritual growth.

The term “rooted” simply means developing firm roots like a tree in the ground. It refers to the process of being firmly established, just as the roots of a tree establish that tree and make it not so easily removable. Interestingly, this is the same idea of the foundation of a house. The roots of a tree are similar to the foundation of a house being laid. As a Christian, we practically establish our lives as we commit to obeying and doing the Word of God. Remember the wise man who built his house on a rock?( Matt. 7:24) 

Similarly, “built up” refers to the process of building up a house upon a foundation that has already been laid. It is closely related to “rooted” and almost synonymous. It looks at the process whereby you are progressively growing in your spiritual life as a house that is gradually rising up until the roof is completed.

Can you see God’s desire for you? He wants you rooted and built up in Christ!


Think of how your spiritual life gets established and grows up as a tree or a house. Declare that “my life is flourishing like a palm tree and rising as a beautiful edifice!”


The verse above tells us HOW to become rooted and built up —“as ye have been taught”. The teaching of the Word will get you grounded in Christ. The Word is what establishes you. As newborn babies, desire the sincere milk of the Word to grow in it.


Ask the Spirit to help you get rooted and built up in Christ. 

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