The Meaning Behind Redeeming the Time

Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:16, KJV)

In a world that constantly pulls us in a thousand directions, the Bible calls us to something different: to redeem our time. But what does that really mean? In Ephesians 5:16, we’re urged to seize every moment with purpose, not just because time is fleeting, but because the days are evil. Our moments matter—each one is a chance to live for God in a world desperate for His light.

To understand Paul’s intent, let’s examine a similar verse in Colossians:

Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.” (Colossians 4:5, KJV)

These verses provide two key ideas: the why (because the days are evil) and the how (in wisdom). This context helps us fully grasp Paul’s meaning.

The phrase “redeeming the time” is a metaphor borrowed from merchants who diligently observe the right moment for buying and selling. Think of modern-day investors who carefully watch for the best opportunities to maximize profit. Similarly, we are called to make the best use of every opportunity in life.

But to what end should we redeem the time? Paul clarifies in the next verse:

Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.” (Ephesians 5:17, KJV)

Redeeming the time, then, means making the best use of every moment to know and do God’s will. This requires wisdom; we are not called to be mere busybodies, but Spirit-led strategists. We must seek first His kingdom and righteousness, working to establish it on earth. God desires for people to be saved, for Christians to grow, and for us to shine His light in a dark world, showing His love, etc.

Paul emphasizes the urgency of this calling by reminding us that “the days are evil.” The prevalence of sin, demonic activity, and revolt against righteousness demands that we use every opportunity to do God’s will. We cannot live as though these were normal days; we must counteract the increasing evil with the light of God.

The Lord once reassured me not to worry about the increasing evil, for the light of His Word will subdue every darkness of sin, addiction, disease, depression, and wickedness. Our job is to redeem the time, using every opportunity to fulfill the ministry He has given us—to plant His Word in others.

As you go about your days, do not conduct business as usual. Redeem the time, walk in wisdom, knowing God’s will and pressing forward to establish His kingdom and righteousness wherever you go.


What is the metaphor used in the term “redeeming” above? Are you redeeming the time in your life, home, work, and other areas?

Apply the Word

How does this verse apply to your life today? While Paul wrote to the Ephesians about 2000 years ago, God is speaking to you now. Watch, and whatever He has commanded you to do, do it quickly. If you need to repent of a sin, don’t delay—do it today. If you need to share the Gospel with someone, make haste. If you need to forgive or break an addiction, there’s no time to spend another day or year of your life in bondage. Redeem the time.


Ask the Holy Spirit to help you learn how to redeem the time in every aspect of your life.

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