How Do Rivers of Living Waters Flow Out of Your Belly?

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water (John 7:38 KJV)

We explained the meaning of rivers of living waters flowing out of your belly in a prior Deshen Daily devotional. Today, we focus on how these rivers come out of the belly: the different channels through which the rivers gush out and flow abroad.

The flowing of the rivers of living waters describes the various ways the Holy Spirit expresses Himself from within the innermost being or heart of the believer. In the devotional mentioned above, we established that our human nature experiences and expresses the Holy Spirit. For example, the joy of the Spirit in our heart is an experience of the Holy Spirit, comparable to peace or strength. That experience of the Spirit is more personal. However, in expression, the Holy Spirit manifests or expresses Himself through us for others to see or be touched— this manifestation is the flow of the Rivers of living waters.

The rivers of living water flow out of the heart in three significant ways. These three channels are our bodies, our actions, and our words. So people can see or be touched by the Holy Spirit through physical contacts, observed behavior, or spoken words. For example, Jesus says those that believe in me (out of whose bellies rivers flow) will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover; when the ill contact their bodies, God’s power flows to heal the sickness.

Similarly, people can see how loving God is just by the way we behave. Last, our words can express God’s power, wisdom, or personality. That is why we can speak to demons and respond because there is something in our words!

Your belly is full of rivers of living waters, ready to gush out. Let them go!

What does it mean that rivers of living waters are gushing out of your belly? How do these rivers flow out of you?

Apply the Word

The world is a desert, made dry by sin, fears, anxieties, depressions, sufferings, demonic torments, wickedness, diseases, etc. You are the source of rivers of living waters to give life to the surrounding deadness. Let these rivers flow through your words, actions, or body.

Ask the Father to help you give water to the dying world around you.

Read more

Drinking from the river of God’s pleasures!
The River of God is Full of Water.
Blossoming by the rivers of living waters.
View all Deshen Daily devotionals including today’s devotional.

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