Peace, Be Still

And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm (Mk. 4:39 KJV)

Peace, be still showing waves in the sea

Jesus and His disciples were in a boat crossing the sea while a great storm raised up powerful waves in the sea that filled their boat with water, threatening to drown the entire crew. Jesus was asleep, while the disciples, as expected, were frightened to death. When they awoke Jesus from His sleep, He spoke to the waves and said: “peace, be still.” As soon as those words came out of His mouth, the wind ceased and there was a great calm. The disciples were left in utter bewilderment of Who their Master was.

The wind, the storms, and the waves have “ears” to hear God’s voice. It was a similar scenario with the fig tree. These were not living things as we know them, but they responded to the words of Jesus. It is certainly tempting to think that Jesus spoke to the waves as God. Yes, speaking to the waves of the sea to get a response is a privilege of  Creator God.  However,  Jesus operated as a Man under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. In fact, His response in verse 40 which says “And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?”  tells us that faith in God will leverage the same sort of authority to any man. It is not surprising that the scriptures say “all things are possible with God” and also “all things are possible with him that believes.”

Manifest your divine nature in Christ. It is God’s gift to you! Speak to the winds and storms, without doubting, and say to them “peace, be still.”


Do you think the winds would have caused the boat to sink while Jesus was asleep and kill Him while He was not aware of the situation? 


Talk like God to the circumstances in your life! There are winds in your life that are waiting for your voice to say to them “peace, be still” otherwise they will keep causing a commotion in your world!


Ask the Lord to teach you how He operates so that His power and authority can also be manifested through you. 

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