Our God is Faithful

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it (1 Cor. 10:13 KJV).

our god is faithful

The verse above should make you rest in the faithfulness of our God. He assures us that we are not completely vulnerable to temptation, for three reasons. First, no temptation can ever come your way “but such as is common to man”. The temptations you face are divinely filtered!

Secondly, be assured that God knows your current spiritual ability, and what allure you can resist. He will not allow crushing persuasion to come your way, so the temptation you face is an indicator to your spiritual strength. God is faithful, and He will ensure the enticement is never more than you can overcome.

Thirdly, God always has made a way of escape, even before the onset of the temptation. Think about that for a moment. The crisis came with a solution! God’s faithfulness assures us that, 100% of the time, you can trust that there is a way out. Should God fail to provide a solution with any temptation, this would be a breach of trust, and His faithfulness would be broken. The very fact that heaven and earth still exist today, is testimony to our Lord’s faithfulness to His Word. Rest in your God.


Is there any instance in scripture where God failed to keep His Word and promise to any human being, since the earth was created?


The Lord wants you to rely on His faithfulness. He will not change, even when you do.


Praise the Lord for His wonderful faithfulness in your life day after day, even when you are unfaithful.

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