An angel reveals how much God loves Daniel

At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision (Daniel 9:23, KJV)

When Daniel sought the Lord in prayers and fasting for the desolations of Jerusalem, the LORD sent an angel to give him the answers he was requesting in prayer. However, while the angel was speaking with Daniel, he gave him a little glimpse of some heavenly talk between God and the angels about him. He told Daniel, “I am come to shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved.” How precious are those words!

A quick question for you to think about: how did the angel know Daniel was greatly loved? Most assuredly, it was the LORD’s love for Daniel that was in focus here. The angel certainly knew the LORD’s heart for this man Daniel and heard what He was saying in heaven about him. Do you remember how the LORD was literally “bragging” about His servant Job in heaven, pleased with his integrity and uprightness?

How would you have felt if you were in Daniel’s place and were told that the LORD could not stop talking about how much He loves you in heaven? Your confidence, sense of worth, and identity will fly across  the roof, and you will walk with your shoulders high! The angel was a heavenly messenger SENT to reveal God’s heart, plans, and purposes. In the same way God sends an angel, He also sends His Word to reveal, which is without question a greater Messenger of God’s heart, for the Word is God Himself. And that Word became flesh and told us directly again:

“For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God” (John 16:27, KJV)

What the angel told Daniel, the Word made flesh, who is in the bosom of the Father has told us that the Father Himself loves you! Can you believe this? Let this truth sink into your heart. The Father is talking about you to all the angels. He just cannot stop talking about how much He loves you, and the angels know it. The Father has your picture in His wallet, and another one pasted on His fridge!!!


Why is it important for us to know and believe that the Father loves us? How does that impact our sense of identity?


The truth has been revealed to you. The Father Himself loves you. He wants you, and the rest of the world to know this. Know and believe it. Tell another human being that is lost that the Father Himself has loved us and wants us to come  back home.


Bless the Lord for His everlasting love for us.  

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