Not by works of righteousness which we have done

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost (Titus 3:5, KJV)

We are saved by God’s grace, and not by our works. This is the heart and soul of the Gospel. Paul reminded Titus that it is not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy, He saved us. God did not send Jesus His Son to die for us because we had done what was right. It was His doing. It was His choice to show us kindness.

It seems many of us embrace this truth wholeheartedly when we first hear the Gospel. We are thrilled and completely overwhelmed by the kindness of God, who has loved us so dearly and forgiven our sins. We receive His love, become children of God, and then something happens. We learn Christianity and become indoctrinated by the religion in it. Before we know it, our thinking gets twisted. We began paying emphasis on how much seed we have sown,  how faithful we are with studing the Bible, praying, “working for God”, attending Church services or meetings, paying tithes, etc etc. Religion then  contaminates the purity of our first childlike faith in the love and grace of Christ. Unconsciously, we start using our works to convince  Him to love us or be kind to us. You must be careful not to allow this pattern to become your story.

It was not by works of righteousness when we got saved. It is still not by works of righteousness on this earth while our souls are being saved. And it will not be by works of righteousness when Jesus shall return. Grace is grace and work is work. We are not saved by grace in the beginning to be perfected by works at the end. God’s grace and love should always be burning in your heart at all times. It is not something that God uses to attract us to believe in Him and then He “shows us His real colors” after we have become His children. No! Jesus love and grace for you now that you are a believer is still as passionate and fiery as it was when you first received Him. Beware of the religion in Christianity. Do not fall from grace into works.


What is the difference between “work of righteousness” mentioned above and “good works” in Eph. 2:10? 


My relationship and perception of God was completely changed when God revealed His grace to me. His grace did not make me say “it does not matter” or make me have a license to sin. On the contrary, grace revealed Jesus to me and made me fall in love with Him, revere and adore Him and desire Him more passionately than I have ever done before. Let God’s love and grace in Christ be forever fresh in your heart.


Ask the Lord to help you never to fall off the platform of grace to dead works where you begin to trust in yourself rather than Christ. 

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