So Mightily Grew the Word of God and Prevailed
So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed (Acts 19:20, KJV)

What if the Word of God could reshape not just hearts but entire communities, toppling cultural strongholds and transforming lives in undeniable, visible ways? That’s exactly what happened in Ephesus—a city steeped in darkness that became a beacon of God’s power. The events in Acts 19 show us how the Word grew mightily and prevailed, bringing dramatic transformation to a city bound by idolatry and the occult. Could such a revolution happen in our lives and communities today? Let’s explore this passage to uncover the secret behind this extraordinary movement of God’s Word.
The phrase “so mightily grew” is tied to the remarkable events preceding it. In Ephesus, new believers confessed their sins openly and renounced their involvement in occult practices. They demonstrated true repentance by burning their expensive magical books—valued at fifty thousand pieces of silver—in a public act of faith. This was no small gesture; it was a declaration of allegiance to Christ and a rejection of their old ways. The Greek word kratos (translated “mightily”) refers to manifest power—visible, transformative strength that rules and overcomes. The Word didn’t just grow; it visibly transformed lives and challenged societal norms.
The word “prevailed” (ischyo) conveys the idea of overcoming resistance and establishing control. The Word of God in Ephesus didn’t merely exist alongside the city’s darkness; it triumphed over it. It dismantled strongholds of sin, unbelief, and satanic influence. This prevailing power wasn’t theoretical; it was practical and observable in the changed lives of individuals and the shifting culture of an entire city.
Why did the Word grow so mightily? Its inherent power, described in Hebrews 4:12 as “quick and powerful,” was magnified through the vessel delivering it. Paul, a man full of the Spirit, proclaimed the Word with boldness and authority, and God confirmed it with miracles (Acts 19:11–12). His faithful preaching and Spirit-filled ministry created an environment where the Word could thrive and produce abundant fruit.
This story challenges us to consider: What might happen if the Word of God were to grow and prevail in our own lives and communities? Just as it transformed Ephesus, it can still bring renewal and revival today. However, its growth often depends on our willingness to receive it, act on it, and proclaim it boldly.
What areas of your life or community feel resistant to change? Reflect on how the Word of God, combined with repentance and Spirit-led action, can prevail over these strongholds.
Act on the Word
Commit to engaging with God’s Word daily, allowing it to grow and transform your life. Pray for opportunities to share it with boldness, trusting in its power to bring change to those around you.
Lord, let Your Word grow and prevail in my heart, my family, and my community. Use me as a vessel to spread its life-changing power.
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