Make a Joyful Noise unto the LORD

Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: Make a loud noise, rejoice, and sing praise. (Psalm 98:4, KJV)

God cherishes a particular noise from the earth— the joyful noise of praise. But what does the psalmist mean by a joyful noise? In the original Hebrew, the phrase “make a joyful noise” is a single word meaning “to shout” or “to utter a sudden loud cry.” This shout could be a battle cry or a shout of rejoicing, as in Psalm 98:4. 

Although we often associate “noise” with unpleasant sounds, within the context of praise, it becomes something the Lord desires and finds pleasing. The psalmist encourages us to “make a loud noise, rejoice, and sing praise.” Our praise, whether a shout or a song, forms the joyful sound of the earth. 

In the Old Testament, the Lord hints that He values the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving more than animal sacrifices (Psalms 50:12-15, 23). In the New Testament, He commands us to offer the sacrifice of praise— the spiritual calf from our lips (Hebrews 13:15).

The Lord cherishes your shouts and songs of praise; they are not bothersome or unpleasant to Him. Instead, your praise is a spiritual sacrifice that is well-pleasing to Him. Cultivate the habit of singing and rejoicing before the Lord. Continually create a melody in your heart for Him. Sing aloud. Sing privately and in the congregation of the saints.

Even with the perfect melodies from the angels in heaven, your voice—the voice of His children on earth—touches His heart. Also, Do not let your music player or the praise team praise God for you. He wants to hear your joyful noise; He wants to hear your melody. He wants to hear your voice. So, make a loud noise, rejoice, and always praise the Lord.


What does it mean to make a joyful noise, as discussed above?

Apply the Word

Is intentionally singing, rejoicing, and praising the Lord part of your Christian routine? If not, you’re missing something crucial in your relationship with the Lord. There’s nothing like your voice of praise, joyful noise, and melody to Him. Therefore, make a joyful noise unto the Lord continually.


Ask the Spirit for a garment of praise, to praise Him continually.

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