If you love Me, keep My Commandments

If ye love me, keep my commandments. (John 14:15 KJV)

Greater love hath no man showing a heart

Gary Chapman wrote a book called the “Five love languages” that has blessed millions worldwide. He teaches that we all have a way we perceive love from others, which he calls our primary love language. The best way to love someone is to love them in the manner they perceive love, that is, speak their love language. 

Jesus also has His love language. He tells us how to show our love for Him. It is by doing what He tells us to do. It is that simple. He does not want us to obey Him primarily by compulsion or fear of judgment etc. He wants you to love Him and let that love for Him drive your obedience. That means if you know committing adultery hurts the heart of Jesus whom you love, then do not do it, because it will bring sorrow to His heart. We know that Jesus does not like anxiety in our hearts, don’t we? He says we should be anxious for nothing. If we love Him, we will be anxious for nothing.

Do not be tempted to think that His commands are only the “big stuff,” such as asking you to leave your home country to be a missionary in a remote area. That will not be the case for the majority of us. For some of us, His command is straightforward: honor your father and mother. As we are in the devotional week, His command is to pray without ceasing or let the Word of God dwell in you richly.

I am yet to see a true Christian that does not love Jesus. It is innate in us as soon as we are born into God’s family. However, many of us are not speaking Jesus’s love language. We tell Him we love Him, and when He looks, He realizes it is cheap, empty talk. Love Him in word and in deed.


What is the love language of Jesus?


The most challenging thing I am struggling with in Christianity is surrendering my will to God at all times. Anyone who tells you it is an easy task probably does not do it. However, the Spirit of the Lord is here to make us willing. He helps us daily. Doing God’s Word is critical for us all, whether in big or small things. Do not keep your love for Jesus in your heart or merely talk about it. Show Him your love. Keep His commandments.


Ask the Spirit to help make you willing to do His Word regularly. (Phil. 2:13) 

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