How to Get Faith
“And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?” (Rom. 10:14 NKJ.)
Faith is your scepter of rule on the earth. Give everything on earth to build up your faith. I mean it! Faith essentially is the response of your spirit to the Word of God. When you get to the place where you begin to respond to God’s Word, heaven and earth belong to you! God has given us His Word to reign in this life, and faith is the response to use the Word to reign.
How do we get faith? I see believers sitting there and wishing they had more faith. Some even pray and ask God to increase their faith. Please understand that faith is an impartation of the Word of God on the human spirit (the heart.)
The scripture above says “how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?” The principle laid here is that believing follows hearing the Word. Hearing God’s Word is not limited to our ordinary daily use of the word “hearing.” It is the process by which the Seed of God’s Word is taken into the human heart.
When God talks about hearing, he is talking about the process by which His Word is taken into your heart, whether you are reading with your eyes or hearing with your ears. Faith comes by hearing the Word. If you stay in a place of hearing God’s Word, your heart will overflow with faith. Stop every trial to manipulate your heart in an attempt to “force it to believe.” Start hearing God’s Word constantly today and faith will overflow the banks of your heart.
Why does faith come by hearing the Word of God? See Eph. 2:8, Rom. 12:3.
How is your faith tank? Do you need a faith raise? What will you do about it?
Faith is not a prayer request. Rather, pray that the Lord will cause your heart to desire the Word of God from today.
Recommended Read: Grow in the knowledge of God
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