Heaven Getting Closer

And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband (Revelation 21:2, KJV)

John saw the new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven, unto the earth as a bride that has been prepared for her husband on the wedding day. The new Jerusalem came out of heaven unto the earth. Jesus says He is coming back to take us to be where He is, that is, in heaven. But in this verse, He tells us that heaven is rather coming down to the earth. It is similar to our mysterious union with Him. We are in Him, and He is in us. We are going to heaven, and heaven is coming down to us!

Heaven is getting closer and closer. The time is drawing near.  Heaven is invading the earth. Heaven came into the earth when Jesus was born, but it was embodied in one Person. When He left, He came back this time as the Holy Spirit, bringing heaven into the lives of millions and billions of people. And the territory occupied by heaven is rapidly increasing as the people of God are increasing on the earth. Heaven is here, and its influence is increasing. Heaven is inside of you. But at the fullness of time, when the Lord Jesus appears, the earth will be entirely engulfed by heaven.

The Holy Spirit living in us here and now is the foretaste of heaven. But  no matter how wonderful it is to have His Spirit here and enjoy such a rich fellowship with the Father, the best of God is not in this present world. There is still something we are looking forward to. We are not only saved by faith that also affects our lives here and now but are also saved in hope of what is yet to come.  


Are you ready for the return of the Lord? 


When Jesus returns, the things that are so highly esteemed in the world right now will instantly lose all their value. Real value is judged by against eternity. The same is true about your life. The real value of your life is judged by how it will stand against eternity. The world is passing away, but whoever trusts in the Lord shall abide forever. Watch, pray and be ready   at all times for the Lord’s return as heaven prepares to take over the earth fully!


Ask the Lord to help you be ready at all times and to walk worthy of your heavenly calling. 

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