Healing For The Brokenhearted
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; He hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted. (Isa. 61:1 KJV)
The heart is used in this Scripture to describe the operations of the spirit and the soul of man. Man’s outward life is determined by what goes on inside his heart (Prov. 4:23). Think of the human heart as a clay jar and visualize what happens when a jar is smashed by an iron rod into a thousand pieces. That is the picture here of a broken heart. It is a smashing, wounding, destruction, breaking, or weakening of the human spirit. This can be experienced as an emotional or mental breakdown or sometimes as a breakdown of the will.
Man’s heart is broken by circumstances of life which cause deep hurt, pain, grief, and bitterness. The number of brokenhearted people out there in the world is becoming alarming and is a public health emergency! Broken hearts lead to broken lives. People are hurting out there, from marital issues, abuses, social and economic anxieties and fears, natural disasters including deaths of loved ones, etc. The list continues.
The Lord is the Doctor for the brokenhearted. We can confidently bring our brokenness to Him and depend on His love and care to heal our hearts. There is so much brokenness in the world today and Jesus is our secret place to find healing for our hearts.
What does it take to heal the brokenhearted from Isa. 61:1 above? Does God care about the brokenhearted? (Ps. 34:18).
The worst thing we can do with a broken heart is to pretend it is not there. It will certainly slowly kill our health, relationships, families, finances etc. Let us open our hearts to the Lord to bring needed healing today.
Thank the Lord for being the Healer of your broken heart and ask the Spirit to begin the work of healing every situation that has caused hurt, emotional pain, bitterness, deep anger, etc in your heart.
Recommended Read: God’s love heals the brokenness in our hearts
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