Embracing Divine Health: Balancing Body and Spirit for God’s Purpose

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth (3 John 2, KJV)

divine principles of health showing an apple

God deeply cares about our bodily health, desiring us to thrive physically as our souls do spiritually. Why does our physical health matter to Him? Our bodies are vessels for fulfilling His divine purposes on earth. A robust body is essential to engage in God’s plan fully. The concept of “divine health” is often mentioned in church circles. What does it entail?

Divine health, distinct from natural health or even divine healing, implies that God is supernaturally sustaining your body. Consider the Israelites in Deuteronomy 8:4: for 40 years in the desert, their feet did not swell. This was not merely natural resilience; it was a supernatural state. Divine health differs from divine healing because it prevents illness, while divine healing restores health when sickness occurs.

Are you eager to experience divine health? Let’s explore two key principles: the natural and the spiritual.

The spiritual aspect involves a profound connection with God’s Word and the Holy Spirit, which empowers our bodies to stay healthy. While this is crucial, I’ll focus more on the natural aspect today. In Proverbs 4:22, Solomon speaks of God’s words as healing (Hebrew “marpe”) to the body. Similarly, Romans 8:11 highlights the Holy Spirit’s role in invigorating our bodies. These passages reveal that God’s Word and Spirit directly influence our physical well-being.

However, respecting the natural principles God established for our bodies is crucial. God designed our bodies to function according to these principles. While He can override them through miracles, typically, our bodies operate under His established natural laws. Healthy lifestyle choices are paramount. This is not just about prayer or faith but practical decisions like nutrition and exercise. Neglecting these principles and expecting God to intervene supernaturally is akin to tempting Him, as Satan tempted Jesus (Matthew 4:7).

Science has uncovered several principles for maintaining good physical health, such as proper nutrition, exercise, and rest. These are not merely scientific discoveries but revelations of God’s design. A lifestyle that disregards God’s natural laws for a healthy, such as smoking, and expects divine health or healing is not faith but a lack of spiritual insight into God’s ways.

In summary, God wants us to honor both the natural principles He established for our bodies and profile from the added supernatural enablement from His Word and Spirit to keep us in health or restore health through healing if disease attacks us.


Reflect on your physical habits. Do you believe they are important in determining your physical health?

Apply the Word

Strive for physical well-being as your soul prospers. Embrace the natural health principles God sets and harness the supernatural power of His Word and Spirit.


Ask God to guide you in establishing healthy physical and spiritual habits, ensuring you are healthy for His purposes.

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