God’s Inheritance

The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints (Eph. 1:18 KJV).

god's inheritance

The truth of God’s inheritance is not apparent to many believers. We are familiar with the concept that we have obtained an inheritance in Christ. We speak about it, and we rightfully claim it. We should enjoy all that God has given us, as of our inheritance in Christ. However, the best part is not our inheritance, but God’s. Yes, God also got His inheritance in Christ!

When Israel left Egypt for the promised land, the people drew lots, and divided the land into portions, reserved for each family. Amongst the hundreds present, each family was given a portion of the land as their inheritance.

In a similar way, God has chosen us as His own – amongst all the billions of men and women who walk the face of the earth. We are His inheritance from the earth. The scripture above tells us that His inheritance is in the saints. It is not what you have. It is you! God has chosen you to be the blessed one to carry the presence of Almighty God for all eternity. You belong to God as His prized possession! You are His portion on the earth.

It gets even better-your inheritance in God is more than a spiritual treasure: It is God Himself! He is our portion, and our inheritance!


Can you see the difference, and the connection, between God’s inheritance, and our inheritance in Christ? Declare that “I belong to God, and He has chosen me as His special possession on the earth”.


God will not allow anyone to mess around with His inheritance! Throughout your day, be conscious of who you are in Christ.


Thank the Lord for choosing you as His inheritance, His prized possession on the earth.

Recommended Read: Our God is Faithful

Must Read!: What is a Daily Devotional?

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  1. Thank you so much for the firm confirmation that our Great God sees us as His inheritance. It is too much for us to comprehend but if we think of Who He has invested in us, we can begin to understand. I think even great theologians are having problems comprehending this. I believe the Holy Spirit ministered to me that the way you have interpreted the verse is how it is intended. Many blessings, continue to bless the body of Christ and all those who would read.

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