How God Anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power

How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. (Acts 10:38, KJV)

As believers, God has conferred the grace to lead the Christian life and serve Him. This is a crucial truth to understand and believe. But even more critical is our ability to function in that grace. The life of our Lord Jesus Himself is a powerful example from which we can learn.

God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power. Jesus Himself illuminated the meaning of this scripture in Luke 4:18 when He read Isaiah 61 in the synagogue: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted…” (Luke 4:18, KJV). It is interesting to note that the name Christ means the anointed one—the One bestowed with the fulness of God’s Spirit to carry out God’s will on the earth.

The phrase “Anointed with the Spirit and power” does not indicate that God gave Jesus two separate gifts—the Spirit and then power. Instead, the anointing was the presence of the Holy Spirit in Jesus, enabling Him to manifest God’s power.

This anointing carries a specific mandate. God anointed Jesus to serve and bring healing to all oppressed by the devil. The ministry of Jesus, unlike that of the Jewish rabbis and religious leaders of His day, had remarkable divine results. His ministry had a tangible and positive impact on people’s lives.

Here’s the remarkable truth: as believers, we, too, are anointed with the Holy Spirit and power, just as Jesus was. God wants us to step out into the world, doing good and healing all oppressed by the devil, knowing God is with us. The world is thirsty for ministers anointed with the Holy Spirit and power beyond mere eloquence or charisma.


Reflect on Acts 10:38 and how it speaks to you.

Apply the Word

Remember, Christ, the Anointed One, resides within you—with all His anointing. Let that anointing flow like rivers of living water from within you, refreshing the world around you.


Ask the Father to guide you in fully embracing and operating in His anointing.

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